How to regain control of your menu margins

With inflation rates at a record high, ongoing market volatility and constant price movements for key ingredients, plus increasing utility costs and persistent staffing challenges, it's unsurprising that many operators are struggling to retain control of their menu profitability.

MenuIQ is being used by over 400 operators to alleviate some of the pressures faced by the leisure and hospitality industry.

Here's how...

Monitor costs, control margins and maximise menu performance

Live product and price data is fed into the system direct from suppliers and if an ingredient or product price changes, MenuIQ instantly alerts all users and automatically calculates the impact the new price has on profit margins.

With real-time visibility of costs combined with powerful GP management tools, operators can regain control and if required, take immediate action to protect their bottom-line.

Want to see the system in action? Let's book your demo today...

MenuIQ GP features and management tools include:

  • Live ingredient/product pricing direct from suppliers

  • Automatic recipe cost calculations using invoiced or contract prices

  • Real-time gross profit data for all menu items

  • Dynamic selling prices and profit margin calculation tools

  • Ingredient/product swap and portion size ‘What-If’ analysis with projected performance calculations

  • Plus live allergen, nutrition and calorie functionality by product/menu item.

Find out more about MenuIQ features

What our users say...

“We now have the ability to act quickly to ensure we protect our profit margins."

“MenuIQ is now the backbone to our F&B operation - I don’t know how we’d operate without it.”

"The system has allowed us to maintain menu creativity and spontaneity on a multi-site level."

Want to know more? Let's book your demo today...


New system feature releases


Helping operators become more confident in effective allergen management